Nöfer Architekten

Pankower Tor

Af­ter more than ten years of pro­ject de­vel­op­ment Krieger Pro­jek­ten­twick­lungs GmbH, the own­ers of the for­mer freight yard in Pankow, reached an agree­ment with the Berlin sen­ate and the dis­trict of Pankow about ten­der­ing a com­pe­ti­tion for the site in 2020. The re­sult was a multi-stage pro­ce­dure in­volv­ing ex­ten­sive on­line con­sul­ta­tion with the gen­eral pub­lic. The win­ners cho­sen in au­tumn 2021 were Nöfer Ar­chitek­ten, to­gether with CKSA I Christoph Kohl Stadt­planer Ar­chitek­ten, Fug­mann Jan­otta Land­schaftar­chitek­ten, Buro Hap­pold, and Stadt+Verkehr. The new mas­ter plan now serves as the ba­sis for a draft de­vel­op­ment plan, and con­struc­tion is set to be­gin to­wards the end of 2023. The two-kilo­me­tre-long site is en­vi­sioned as an ur­ban de­vel­op­ment with res­i­den­tial build­ings and var­i­ous mixed uses. A new shop­ping precinct next to Pankow S-Bahn sta­tion will also pro­vide of­fice space and apart­ments for stu­dents and se­nior cit­i­zens on the up­per floors. Along Gran­itzs­trasse, which will be ser­viced by a new tram route, res­i­den­tial blocks will of­fer homes of all shapes and sizes in an at­trac­tive ur­ban space. Two land­scaped parks lo­cated on the other side of the de­vel­op­ment flank the new rail­way line and the Panke Trail ex­press cy­cling path, thus pro­vid­ing novel lo­cal recre­ation op­tions for new and old res­i­dents alike. Next to the planned fur­ni­ture re­tailer at the north-east end of the new quar­ter, two high-rise build­ings will mark the en­trance/​exit of the city on Pren­zlauer Prom­e­nade. The pro­jec­t’s ur­ban de­sign de­lib­er­ately draws on early twen­ti­eth-cen­tury re­form ar­chi­tec­ture as well as mod­ern rib­bon de­vel­op­ment – ex­am­ples of both styles are to be found in the new dis­tric­t’s im­me­di­ate vicin­ity. Nar­row perime­ter block con­struc­tions shel­ter the semi-pub­lic gar­dens in the mid­dle of the site from the noise of the sur­round­ing traf­fic in­fra­struc­ture. By the same to­ken, traf­fic within the quar­ter is re­duced to a min­i­mum, trans­form­ing its streets into pub­lic spaces. Each build­ing in the new de­vel­op­ment is in­di­vid­u­ally de­signed and has its own, dis­tinct face. Roof ter­races and gar­dens lend the roof­s­cape on top of the five- to seven-storey houses a pos­i­tive eco­log­i­cal im­pact.


Krieger Pro­jek­ten­twick­lungs GmbH, Berlin

Project stages

Com­pe­ti­tion (1. Prize)

Ur­ban mas­ter plan­ning

Ar­chi­tec­tural ser­vices (HOAI)

Time and realisation frame

2020 - 2028


350.000 qm


Berliner Straße 14, Gran­itzs­traße, Pren­zlauer Prom­e­nade 106, 13187 - 13189 Berlin


Nöfer Architekten


Krieger Pro­jek­ten­twick­lungs GmbH, Berlin (Model) I Nöfer Ar­chitek­ten